> 第14回 Asakusa.rb (2009-08-18)第14回 Asakusa.rb (2009-08-18)
> 日時日時
2009/8/18(Tue) 19:30~22:00
> 場所場所
永和システムマネジメント 東京支社
> 内容内容
> 参加者参加者
> GCパッチについてGCパッチについて
php.ini的ファイルとか .rubyrcとかコンパイルオプションとかに設定を盛り込むような案は過去に全て却下されている。
Yehuda Katz: is this good reason to have fork?
Yehuda Katz: :(
Yehuda Katz: Reason not to pull in is performance?
Yehuda Katz: I can show much greater performance at least in Rails with REE
Yehuda Katz: raw performance
Yehuda Katz: due to better GC I think今のRubyのGCチューニングは「みんなにとって最適な設定」ではないので、それを探す必要がある
matsuda-akira: so we have to find the best config suitable for every Ruby users
Yehuda Katz: "so we have to find the best config suitable for every Ruby users" -- maybe this is not possible?
Yehuda Katz: for GC tuning, maybe we can change default setting closer to Twitter?
Yehuda Katz: or maybe Ruby can figure it out?
matsuda-akira: what do you mean by "Ruby can figure it out?"
Yehuda Katz: maybe Ruby can update its own GC settings
Yehuda Katz: for things like heap size
Yehuda Katz: as it goes
Yehuda Katz: instead of needing config option
Yehuda Katz: that would be best
卜部さん: そうですね。その方向性が良いと思う。> CoWパッチについてCoWパッチについて
卜部さん: もう一回送ったらacceptされるかもしれないから、是非再チャレンジしてください。
matsuda-akira: that seems not bad
matsuda-akira: please try proposing the patch again if you're really in need of it
Yehuda Katz: we are badly in need of it :)
matsuda-akira: the patch seems not bad at this moment
matsuda-akira: so it could be acceptable1.8 or 1.9?
Yehuda Katz: for 1.8 only or 1.9?
卜部さん: どっちでも。
松田: でもまぁ、まずは1.9のほうが受け入れられやすいんでしょうね。
卜部さん: おそらく。> MBARIパッチについてMBARIパッチについて
matsuda-akira: so, please split them into individual atomic patches.
matsuda-akira: "ruby_engine" is already included in current Ruby
matsuda-akira: "railsbench" is about GC tuning?
matsuda-akira: if so, it seems it's difficult to be accepted as we already discussed
matsuda-akira: and "single_threading_fix" is also already included
matsuda-akira: "zero_copy_context_switch" is unacceptable.
matsuda-akira: mput said, it seems problematic in some cases.
matsuda-akira: "caller_for_all_threads" seems like a good feature
matsuda-akira: and harmless
matsuda-akira: so please send the patch to ruby-core. it will be accepted."zero_copy_context_switch"パッチって何が問題なの?
Amanさんに伝えとくよ!って言われた。作者かな?Aman Guptaさん?
matsuda-akira: "zero_copy_context_switch" is unacceptable.
matsuda-akira: mput said, it seems problematic in some cases.
matsuda-akira: if you want to know the detail, please ask me again.
Yehuda Katz: can we get information?
Yehuda Katz: so I can tell Aman
Yehuda Katz: yes
Yehuda Katz: I think Aman would want to know
卜部さん: シグナルの問題がある。ここでJeremy Kemper乱入
Yehuda Katz: Jeremy Kemper says MBARI already is broken up into a patch series
matsuda-akira: really? so probably Ruby-core team in Japan don't know that
Yehuda Katz: probably
卜部さん: 確かMBARI6だかMBARI7だかまでは見た記憶がある。でもまだなんかでかかった気がする。その後は知らない。
> 思わぬお誘いが思わぬお誘いが
Yehuda Katz: do you want guest access to Rails core room so you can discuss with him?
Yehuda Katz: :)
Yehuda Katz: I will invite
Yehuda Katz: https://xxxxxxxx (伏せ字)
Yehuda Katz: :)
「Rails core room」とかいって怖すぎです><
> Jeremy asks__colon__Jeremy asks:
Yehuda Katz: Jeremy asks:
Yehuda Katz: curious about progress on the 1.9.2 agenda here http://blade.nagaokaut.ac.jp/cgi-bin/scat.rb/ruby/ruby-core/23977
dealing with BOM, including ruby-debug (do they know about 1.9 support?) and ruby-prof (do they know it's broken currently?)
backporting Time to 1.8.8... :)ということでこれ
卜部さん: これは・・・。そろそろRuby開発者会議やりたいねぇ。
卜部さん: yuguiさんどうよ
yuguiさん: ほう。
なかださん: 今月中?
卜部さん: 今月中というかそれによると25日にPR2が出るらしいので、そのタイミングとか?ちなみに現状は?
- dealing with BOM
- including ruby-debug (do they know about 1.9 support?)
ruby-debugの1.9 supportはまだ動かない。やりたいとはささださんは言ってた。
- ruby-prof (do they know it's broken currently?)
- backporting Time to 1.8.8...
Time クラスの件?だとしたらよくわからない。1.9でTimeは相当いろいろ変わってるからどこらへんのことなんだろ?
- 1.8.8はいつ出るの?
まだ。1.8.8の目的はRuby 1.9のスクリプトがパースできるようにすることなんだけど、そこらへんでまだまだやれることがあるので、現状ではまだ出せない。
> ActiveSupport (extlib) and RubyActiveSupport (extlib) and Ruby
matsuda-akira: class_inheritable_accessor seems not bad. Please send a patch or request to ruby-core.
Yehuda Katz: :)Mash(HashWithIndifferentAccess)
Yehuda Katz: if it was just in C it would be almost as fast as Hash
Yehuda Katz: because getting String from Symbol in C is very fast
卜部さん: そんなことはないと思う。Cで書いてもRuby版とほとんど変わんないんじゃないか?試しにやってみなよ。"numbers will not lie"
Yehuda Katz: ha
Yehuda Katz: did he disagree it would be much faster than in Ruby?
matsuda-akira: yes
Yehuda Katz: really?
matsuda-akira: he said so.
Yehuda Katz: we can try and do bench
Yehuda Katz: this is something to experiment then
matsuda-akira: could you? that's what he said.
Yehuda Katz: I believe mput
Yehuda Katz: but I am surprised
Yehuda Katz: so I will investigate further
Yehuda Katz: obviously numbers will not lieその後
Yehuda Katz: hey man
Yehuda Katz: we have an implementation of Mash in C almost done
Yehuda Katz: http://github.com/methodmissing/hwia/tree/master
Yehuda Katz: Urabe-san was wrong
Yehuda Katz: :P
Yehuda Katz:
read nil symbol 0.280 | 0.279 |
write symbol 0.314 | 0.290 |
read present symbol 0.278 | 0.033 |
read nil string 0.142 | 0.120 |
write string 0.254 | 0.278 |
read present string 0.045 | 0.044 |
Yehuda Katz: there is significant gain for reading symbols
Yehuda Katz: :)
Yehuda Katz: we are still working out some kinks
Yehuda Katz: but it is looking good
Yehuda Katz: and I think some other parts can be faster as well
ということで、まだ作業中ながら、とりあえずの成果は早くも出せてるらしい。 なんというか、すごい馬力ですね。
> Ruby 1.9 specについてRuby 1.9 specについて
Yehuda Katz: many in community here think ruby-core does not care about ruby-spec
卜部さん: いや、もちろんそんなことは全然なくて、協力する気は大いにあります。(ただちょっとリソースが足りてないだけ)前回のおさらい2
matsuda-akira: anyways, we know people like you are very much annoyed by CRuby spec's unstableness
matsuda-akira: but, that's how Ruby is since its birth
matsuda-akira: that's the way Ruby has been developed for 15years
matsuda-akira: ruby trunk is Matz's sandbox
Yehuda Katz: ha
matsuda-akira: nobody knows what's really going on there
Yehuda Katz: :(
matsuda-akira: nobody can controll最新のRailsは最新のRubyに対応させていきたいんだからそれじゃ困る
Yehuda Katz: this is problem sometimes
matsuda-akira: yes
Yehuda Katz: when we try to release Rails that target new Ruby :P
Yehuda Katz: we want to know ahead of time what is going on
matsuda-akira: I don't think it should be like that forever
Yehuda Katz: I trust Matz
matsuda-akira: but that's the way it goes currently"liberate world from PHP"!!!
Yehuda Katz: Ruby is much bigger now than it was 15 years ago
Yehuda Katz: but still 2% of websites use Ruby compare with 30% use PHP
matsuda-akira: right
Yehuda Katz: I want to liberate world from PHP :P
matsuda-akira: 100% AGREE about that!どうにかしていきたいものですね、と。
matsuda-akira: so, we have to keep on discussing about this
matsuda-akira: Ruby needs a sandbox for Matz to play with, but we all want to know the language's spec> savepointssavepoints
matsuda-akira: then next, we talked about the "savepoints" feature
Yehuda Katz: Charlie and Evan hate hate hate it
Yehuda Katz: So I will withdraw it I think新たな提案
Yehuda Katz: However
Yehuda Katz: I have new proposal
Yehuda Katz: extend autoload to take an object
Yehuda Katz: this object will be .call'ed when constant is referenced
Yehuda Katz: and must return the constant
Yehuda Katz: you can then implement normal autoload on top, or autoload with different lockingこんな感じで使うものらしい
matsuda-akira: how the actual Ruby code will be?
matsuda-akira: I mean, usage.
Yehuda Katz: class Autoloader; def call(constant_name) magic end; end
Yehuda Katz: autoload :SomeConstant, Autoloader.new
Yehuda Katz: or
Yehuda Katz: autoload :SomeConstant {|constant_name| magic }{{br}} Yehuda Katz: probably should have different name than autoload
matsuda-akira: does that solve your problem? I can't just imagin.
Yehuda Katz: it would give us the tools to solve it in Rails
Yehuda Katz: because we can then track dependencies
Yehuda Katz: and load what we need
Yehuda Katz: it exposes loading to us and then we can find ways
Yehuda Katz: and it is very small change
Yehuda Katz: it basically defers to object instead of hardcoding to internal C function
Yehuda Katz: it can default to C functionパッチでくれ
matsuda-akira: can you make a brief patch for examining?
matsuda-akira: so we can give it a try
Yehuda Katz: yes
Yehuda Katz: I can
matsuda-akira: that would be exciting!何故今のRubyではこれが実現できないのか?
Yehuda Katz: the important thing is that the autoload flag needs to remain until after the constant is returned by object
Yehuda Katz: this is why it cannot be implemented today with const_missing
Yehuda Katz: because what can happen is:
Yehuda Katz: first thread starts to load
Yehuda Katz: constant is partially defined
Yehuda Katz: second thread hits constant name, but it is already partially loaded
Yehuda Katz: boom
Yehuda Katz: also helpful would be Class#defined_at
Yehuda Katz: returns Array of files where class was openedそういえばRailsのautoloadの濫用っぷりは過去のAsakusa.rbでも何度かダメ出しされてました
matsuda-akira: I see. I remember once Urabe-san seeing Rails' code and mentions to abuse of autoload
matsuda-akira: that it may be danger in multithread
Yehuda Katz: right
Yehuda Katz: it is :(
Yehuda Katz: we want to fix this
Yehuda Katz: to make multithread work with autoload
Yehuda Katz: this will help
matsuda-akira: so it will be healthy
Yehuda Katz: yes :)> Rails-coreチャットRails-coreチャット
> Rails3 generatorRails3 generator
> 次回次回
2009/8/25(Tue) 19:30~
> Aug 16, 2009 From__colon__ ursm__at__u...Aug 16, 2009 From: ursm@u...
see also: http://qwik.jp/asakusarb/60.html
mms _at_ ursm.jp
> Aug 17, 2009 From__colon__ gunjisatoshi__at__g...Aug 17, 2009 From: gunjisatoshi@g...
> Aug 17, 2009 From__colon__ ronnie__at__d...Aug 17, 2009 From: ronnie@d...
On 2009/08/16, at 23:30, Keita Urashima wrote:
2009-08-18に第14回をやります。 see also: http://qwik.jp/asakusarb/60.html
Kaigi on Rails(?)に絡んだ何かか、prsnt.orgか、
Ruby 1.9.2か、Rails3か、なんかそんなあたりで
(参考) 前回ログ http://qwik.jp/asakusarb/013_log.html
- -
Akira Matsuda<ronnie@d...>